Seattle Green Spaces Coalition (SGSC)have begun to explore funding from various City and Non-Profit sources in order to prepare a Work Plan for presentation to City of Seattle, Non-profits, and individuals. This Work Plan will be a basis for a comprehensive discussion on how to identify and create a dossier of surplus City Properties that will be best re-purposed for Neighborhood uses, how to engage with and organize the Neighborhoods with an interest in these properties, and provide a framework to move forward on creating a partnership with the City of Seattle, the Neighborhoods, and funding alternatives that will keep the options open for these properties to be retained for the Residents of the City and the Neighborhoods. We see this as a multi-year effort to aligh the City of Seattle with the needs of the Neighborhoods.
Seattle Green Spaces Coalition (SGSC) has asked the City to provide extensive information on Seattle City Lights' actions and plans for the 35+ Surplus Substations in order to determine the basis for their clearing of the vegetation at Neighborhood properties, their methods of clearing and environmental remediation alternatives, and the process of including the Neighborhoods in the determination of what is best for both the Neighborhoods. Seattle City Light has been very helpful in providing the requested information.
SGSC continues to review and analyze the large amount of information provided so that we may provide recommendations for move forward in the most effective and realistic manner to best re-purpose the Surplus City Properties for the benefit of the Neighborhoods and the resident of Seattle. This information gathering was begun early in 2014 and continues.
Sample text for writing to City Council and the Mayor
"Repurpose Our Substations: Save Seattle’s Infrastructure I ask you to stop Seattle City Light from taking steps to sell public property to private developers. Neighborhoods want to work with the City of Seattle to find the best public use for Seattle City Light’s surplus substation properties. Our surplus substations are located on public land which has been a long-standing part of the City’s infrastructure and ecosystem. For decades, the land has benefitted neighborhoods, first as substations and later, as green spaces with mature vegetation or wetlands. The land provides value and benefits to our neighborhoods. I strongly oppose privatizing these public lands. Public land is finite, and once it is sold, it is practically impossible to recover. Our assets should not be squandered. There are many potential public uses for the properties which can benefit Seattle for generations to come. I ask you to stop any sale of the land until the neighborhoods have the opportunity to find the best public use for the land and to secure necessary funding."
Include Your Name, Address, Email/Phone
This can be emailed to City Council members:;;;;;;;; And to Jorge Carrasco and Sephir Hamilton at Seattle City Light:; And to Mayor Murray:
[and please cc:]
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